£201 raised for charity at the worst stall in Newport Food Festival history
Jake and his staff were up to mischief on the weekend
RISE Propaganda raised £201 pounds for Newport Food Bank as ‘Dubious Jakes Jar Shack’ became the most popular zero rated stall in Newport Food Festival history.
We decided to put the ‘Unfair in Funfair’ and offer punters a chance to get the ‘Ball in the jar to win a car!’ Only £3 for 3 balls. Sound too good to be true? That’s because it was.
Here’s a what a typical customer could expect:
Meanwhile, the Sandwich Bored (sic) staff were outside advertising this incredible unfair event. Their dull monotone voices could be heard saying:
““Play stupid games, get stupid prizes”.”
They might have had the enthusiasm of a bored teenager at a 5 hour long lecture on the physics of paint drying, but they weren’t wrong. Players of the game received a prize of a Newport Air Jar when they played (lost) the game. Also available on the day were RISE art and the Newport Marmite jar.
A big thank you to all the ‘Cherubs’ that helped make the event a success. From those running the shop, the sandwich board boys, behind the scenes support and the ones making midnight jar raids on their neighbours recycling bins by torch light (you know who you are). Last but not least, a big thank you to Tiny Rebel and their staff for trusting us to put up a disreputable rebellious jar shop from an anonymous artist in their premises with little prior information.
Oh and I bet you are wondering about the grand prize of the brand new car? We’ll roll it over to next year.