Art against the stigma
Newport, we gotta talk…
I’ll cut straight to the chase. In our community 1 in 4 people experience mental health issues every year and it can come in many forms. As one of those people that experience depression regularly and have attempted to commit suicide, I can say that I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Not even Thomas Protheroe lol (Chartist joke, look it up).
Anyway there is something we can all do to help - and the best thing is that it is simple.
Talk to each other about it.
Talk about it to others with the same frequency, acceptance and openness as we talk about the Newport’s amazing weather and moan about the rush hour traffic at Brynglas tunnels. Talk about so we remove the stigma associated with mental health. Talk about it so our community sees it as a matter of course to seek help when in need.
With this in mind the RISE community have decided to take action. As well as collectively choosing to donate 5% of the value of all our profits from art/supplies sold before Xmas to Mind, we are making it harder for people to ignore mental health.
In the lead up to ‘Blue Monday’ on January 20th, statistically the saddest day of the year, you will see a lot more of this logo around town:
Often the most happy, smiley person you know maybe experiencing something troubling under the surface.
The aim is that when people see them, they will question, talk and learn more about mental health. It is also my hope that people experiencing mental health issues, see them in their environment and seek comfort that they are not suffering alone.
“Often the most happy, smiley person you know maybe experiencing something troubling under the surface.”
If you or someone you know needs more information on getting support with your mental health, contact Newport Mind or see your local GP.
Spread love. Empower our communities.
RISE together.